
Jane Eyre Revisited and a Parody

The cold wind has started to whip and howl,  igniting my urge to dust off my copy of Jane Eyre.  To me there’s nothing much better than snuggling on the sofa all toasty and warm and revisiting the creepy twists and turns of Thornfield Manor.  I  love this book so much.  It speaks to me for reasons unknown-maybe it’s her being an orphan as I was, or maybe it’s the strength she exhibits though her childhood adversities, or it could be the rugged, Gothic sexiness of Mr. Rochester that sucks me in.  I hope this time through I’ll be able to put my thumb on it.  I’ll let you know.

If you’ve read Jane Eyre before and loved it I recommend you pay a visit to Derfwad Manor where Heather has written Jane Eyre and the Linen Closet-a parodic synopsis of Jane Eyre had she written the original.  You might want to check it out…it’s one of my favorites next to Charlotte Bronte’s..lol.

And if the book isn’t enough for you, by all means rent or Netflix the 2011 movie.  This version was to me, so accurate in every way I had imagined the story unfolding.   The cinematography is breathtaking and it seems so spot on-right down to the clothing and the characters.  If you haven’t seen it, you must.  Tarry not.  See Jane Erye.  Watch the trailer…you’ll be captivated.

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